Millennium Kids Creative Camps exists to provide weekly enrichment programs based upon literacy, science, math, advanced technology, and social development for elementary school age children grades K-6.
Basic Information
MKCCamps St. Francis Summers
Daily Activities..
Every day two snacks will be provided, one before lunch and one after lunch.
Outdoor Activities
Every day children will have at least two activities outside. Some activities will be based on the weekly camp theme as well as free time play.
Literacy Activities
Every day children will have library time where they will read. During lunch time children will listen to an excerpt from a popular school book or classical piece of literature based on the weekly theme.
Art Activities
Every day an art project or creative learning activity will be done. Art activities range between using paints, clay, paper mache, or free form art with markers, crayons, and colored pencils.
Social Group Activities
Every day children will engage in a group activity where they can practice in sharing and working together. Social activities range between a structured sports game, a group science project, or free form social play outside.
Weekly Activities..
A Theme
Each week has a main theme in which most activities will be based on. Theme details coming soon!
A Field Trip
Each week the children will go on two field trips. A field trip related to the camp's weekly theme and an outdoor excursion that may involve a water park or other active play. Field trip details coming soon!
Science and Math
Each week has a science lesson and math lesson related to the weekly theme.
Technology Skills
Each week children will be exposed to technology.
What you need to bring
A packed lunch.
Appropriate coats and/or clothing for outside activities.
A book to read during library time.
Water bottle.